Thursday, May 19, 2011

Therole of Workers+ Migrant Workers + Expatriates

Migrant worker is the one who moves from on place to another do to globalization, seasonal work, expatriate workers and liberalization of commerce.

Expatriate is someone who is provisionally or permanently taken away from the country than he/she is living in. 

Middelman, Anke (Producer). (2010). Mini guide for Expatriation [Web]. Available from

Integration is almost like the welcoming into a new culture and country, adaptation is important to integrate with others.

("Systems integration," 2009)

Discuss a successful psychological contract- it is an agreement where an individual and a business or organization discusses what is expected between them. They would discuss topics like how to manage stress of socialization, anticipatory socialization, encounter phase, change and acquisition phase, ease the transition through individual and organizational actions.

Explain how easy it is for Colombian companies  to employ expatriates locally? Give examples. 
The easiness on employing expatriates depends on the qualifications. But overall it is easy because Colombia welcomes people of every nationality and Colombia likes to hear ideas from people that have lived outside the country.


Systems integration. (2009). Retrieved from

Integration consulting group. (2011). Retrieved from

Fernandez, Victor. (2005). A hispanic migrant community assessment. Retrieved from

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