Thursday, May 19, 2011

Managing Diversity+ Religions and the Organizations

Communication+ Virtualteams

In order for a good and right Communication to go on, there has to be ad least two or more people, to have a two way communication.  The Language and dialect is primary start to understand the message that is being communicated; the way each talk, the way they express them selves, and the correct used words.  The massage that is being transmitted has to have clear information, the receiver should be able to understand, analyze and actually mean something.  
(shitake, 2009)

Proxemics- in different cultures people have diverse perception of body space, meaning that communication needs to be very careful on body contact.  The Body movements, posture, facial and eye behavior, crying and many others.

("Interaction and relationships," )


shitake, (2009). Communication Evolution [Web]. Available from

Interaction and relationships. (n.d.). Retrieved from  

Therole of Workers+ Migrant Workers + Expatriates

Migrant worker is the one who moves from on place to another do to globalization, seasonal work, expatriate workers and liberalization of commerce.

Expatriate is someone who is provisionally or permanently taken away from the country than he/she is living in. 

Middelman, Anke (Producer). (2010). Mini guide for Expatriation [Web]. Available from

Integration is almost like the welcoming into a new culture and country, adaptation is important to integrate with others.

("Systems integration," 2009)

Discuss a successful psychological contract- it is an agreement where an individual and a business or organization discusses what is expected between them. They would discuss topics like how to manage stress of socialization, anticipatory socialization, encounter phase, change and acquisition phase, ease the transition through individual and organizational actions.

Explain how easy it is for Colombian companies  to employ expatriates locally? Give examples. 
The easiness on employing expatriates depends on the qualifications. But overall it is easy because Colombia welcomes people of every nationality and Colombia likes to hear ideas from people that have lived outside the country.


Systems integration. (2009). Retrieved from

Integration consulting group. (2011). Retrieved from

Fernandez, Victor. (2005). A hispanic migrant community assessment. Retrieved from

Merging Organizational Culture

“Organizational culture is the basic pattern of
shared assumptions, values, and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on problems and opportunities facing the organization. It defines what is important and unimportant in the company”.
(2010). The EU integration process - Part One of Two[Theater]. Available from
Merger Strategy.
Assimilation: is acquired company embraces acquiring firm’s culture.  Works best when acquired firm has a weak culture.
                                                   ("Monumenta," 2011)
Deculturation: Acquainting firm imposes its culture on unwilling acquired firm.  Works best when rarely works-may be necessary only when acquired firms culture doesn't work out employees don’t realize it.

("Ditamic," 2007)

Integration: Combining two or more cultures into a new composite culture.  Works best when existing cultures can be improved.

Separation: Merging companies remain 

distinct entities with minimal exchange of culture or organizational practices.  Works best when firms operate successfully in different businesses requiring different cultures.

According to the case studies (in class and in textbook), what are the practical steps to minimize the feelings of uncertainty normally expected by employees, and also to facilitate the learning process to occur between the two groups of people in their process of cultural and behavioral integration?
First step are incentives, in order to obtain something we want from some one, we follow and wish to know what type of behavior we expect they are going to have in order to receive what we want.

Second is Deviation, if you think or see a person acting in a way that you don’t approve of towards expectations or society norms, you began to monitor more closely to analyze their behavior.  This way we know what we are dealing with, the ability to predict others behavior by analyzing their actions.
Last step is Future Interaction, the odds of a future interaction with others, grows depending on how close we supervise their behavior. 


Henze, michael. (Photographer).
 Topics. [Web]. Retrieved from

Monumenta. (2011). Retrieved from

McShane., Steven. (2000). Organizational culture. Retrieved from

Ditamic. (2007). Retrieved from,r:4,s:0&tx=124&ty=67

Organizational Learning + Managing Change + Conflict

                                                       (Churchill, 2011)                        
People with knowledge have the gift of having power, a tot of information, and know how to deal with many situations in life, and inside an organization
 ("Development in a," 2010)

Knowledge comes together with how the world behaves today, this globalized world which travels in high speed will not wait for those who stay behind  and are not ready for new and different things.

("Let's share our," 2010)
People learn and gain knowledge in different ways, first in order to learn, people have to be open minded, know that what they think they know, may be changed or that in other cultures things are done in a different way; reading and being updated also helps to make what you know grow, paying attention to what is around you, such as being aware of examples that happened to other you can learn from it and not go trough the same situation.

Setting Goals in your life or currier makes you know where you’re heading, by being aware what you have to do and know in order to get there; as soon as you get there the most important thing is to know how to maintain and keep in track the goal you reached.

Erick, (2007). Knowledge is Power [Web]. Available from

What is the relationship between organizational learning and individual satisfaction?

Organizational learning comes with self satisfaction; this is because the growth of an organization is accomplished by individuals who once in each past, had goals, so when you learn and apply it in life it is satisfaction.

(2010). What is Organizational Change Management?[Theater]. Available from

What bottom-line results should an organization reasonably expect from strategic change?
An organization should expect changes that encompass strategy, structure, systems, processes and culture change.

In order for an organization to change they have to begin individually behavior and attitudes.


Balogun, Julia. (2001, january 10). Strategic change. Retrieved from$file/MQ10+Strategy.pdf/

Churchill, Winston . (2011, may 4). Self empowerment secrets. Retrieved from

Development in a globalized world. (2010, march 10). Retrieved from,,5289591,00.html

Let's share our knowledge [Web log message]. (2010, november 25). Retrieved from

(2010). What is Organizational Change Management?[Theater]. Available from

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Leadership Styles + Management Styles

Management works together with other people in organizational activities, to accomplish what they are seeking.  In order to get there management plans, directs, controls, organizes, staffs and leads. 
bookfiesta4u, Initials. (n.d.). Operations managemen. Retrieved from

Being a Manager has a big responsibility; it is a difficult job to do. To take the management along you have to know how to lead, be encourage to others, motivate and inspire.

Patrick, Dickson (Producer). (2008). Leadership, Motivational Management Training, Great Events. Futurist Conference Keynote for 4,500 [Web]. Available from (Patrick, 2008) 

Leadership comes with big responsibility.  A leader is a guide, is a figure that others want 
to be like, is inspire to follow and believe every 
word and action the Leader does and says. 
Brown, Initials. (n.d.). Leadership challenge: nine concepts of leadership. Retrieved from

Situational Leadership Styles

Leadership, Champions. (2010). Situational leadership styles. Retrieved from

Emerging Issues in Leadership

Emotional intelligence Is the ability to control your own emotions, others and the skill to lead groups.

Black, Dan. (2011, January 28). Leading with emotional intelligence [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Gender and Leadership is the way male and female assumes leadership. 
Vinay, Initials. (2010, july). Who make better bosses men or women?. Retrieved from

Servant leadership is the will and need of serving others.

Do you (or would you want to) work in an autocratic, democratic, or consultative work environment?
I would want to work in a democratic environment.  I believe in dialog and communication solutions.


Business Dictionary, Initials. (n.d.). management. Retrieved from

What is leadership. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Reference for Business, Initials. (2011). Gender and leadership. Retrieved from

What is servant leadership?. (2011). Retrieved from