Thursday, March 10, 2011

Decision Making & Ethical Behavior and International Business

(Decision Making and Problem Solving, 2009)

Life offers every day multiple choices on letting you decide what path to take; you are going to have to face tuff decisions all the long road of life and it depends on only yourself to make the right choice, obviously no one makes a bad decision at the time because If you knew it was bad you would not take it, so every one makes decisions and after they actually happen you can find out if they where a good or bad choice.

(Decision-making at the workplace)

 When making a decision it is important to recognize the problem first, to see what you are dealing with and the when the need of making a decision is going to be necessary, then make sure that you know and identify purpose of the decision you have in mind, search and find out information of the situation you are facing yourself with, make sure you have into account all the decision you can make in mind in order to select the best one, after you have selected the decision make it work and do anything you can to make it go the way you had it planed, it helps if you get advice specially if you find someone who has experience, and then give it all your best to get there with the chosen decision. (Simon)
(individualism and collectivism)

(Problem Solving Using the Why Tree, 2009)

When making a decision, people take into account values, ethics, morals and culture; everything depend on how strong each one of them are, that will make your decision to be influence by.

Identifying the ethical problems in an organization and evaluating everything that comes with it such as consequences of the actions.

(Freeman, 2009)

How can organizations effectively manage both risk taking and escalation of commitment in the decision-making behavior of employees?
Both in risk taking and in escalation of commitment inside decision making behavior have uncertainty when it come to making decision, and when the risk is higher, the more profit you get. The risk is always going to be inside everything, you just have to be prepared and have backup to confront it, this is why it come in handy having psychologists and human resources, to help you deal with employees and everything that comes with behavior, ethical, and values. 


Decision Making and Problem Solving. (20 de July de 2009). Obtenido de
Decision-making at the workplace. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Freeman, E. (13 de May de 2009). Teaching Business Ethics. Obtenido de
individualism and collectivism. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Neuromercadeo. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Problem Solving Using the Why Tree. (20 de Jun de 2009). Obtenido de
Simon, S. M. (s.f.). The New Science of Management Decision. Obtenido de

The Rise of Multinational Corporations


Corporations are all around us, every were we go, we see all kind of publicity on brands that control our living; these corporations dominate the world not only because we depend on these companies but in a world where capitalism is the leader, we are defenseless against consuming, we see them all around the world, we share all this together.


We live in a world where we don’t control not even half of our life, we don’t even know how the system works or what are his purpose is, we have an idea of they do thanks to people like Michael Moore, who gives as an opinion with facts that we are being lied to and that the system controls us.  But even if we know, how we can stop it, we are dealing with people we don’t even know what they do or people who are so high level society we cant even reach.   

But in a way, we chose and enjoy this life; almost every one in this world has desires of having a nice House, a fancy car, travel, eating good food, buying cloths, shoes, all types of accessories, etc… and the most logical way of having all these things mentioned, is by living in a Capitalism way, where the multinational corporation dominate the world and us. (Gupta)
(Chung, 2010)

Let us just dream for a world where rich people don’t take money away from the people and mostly poor society, where everyone has and owns what they want by working and studding hard for it, where you cant find some one who is dying from not eating or a illness that can be controlled, where the markets are stabled and gives us security, but mainly a world in peace.   (Jones, 1993)
(Moore, 2009)

As a legal organizational model, how does the rise of corporations influence the aspects of culture in pursuing profit?

The rise of corporation influence people a lot, it is a motivation for people to become rich, work for one of these corporations, or have what they have to offer.  We have seen a change trough the years of how unstoppable the world is right now, and corporations are a main fact of this world changing; they have implemented a way of life most people dream, making it a capitalism world, a consuming world, and obviously no one wants to lose money or be unsuccessful mainly because there is so much competition that you 
have to keep up.  

(THE CORPORATION [1/23] What is a Corporation?, 2007)


Chung, K. S. (2010). Kun Sung Chung Ilustration. Obtenido de
Gupta, A. K. (s.f.). Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Corporations. Obtenido de
Jones, G. (1993). Organizations of Transnational Corporations. London: John H. Dunning.
Marin, L. (s.f.). The Birth Of Corporations. Obtenido de
Moore, M. (2009). Capitalism: a Love Story. Obtenido de
THE CORPORATION [1/23] What is a Corporation? (22 de January de 2007). Obtenido de


Some one who is motivated to do what they want from life is a great start, it makes getting up every morning worth it.  A person can be motivated by a simple promise of satisfying need; there are other motivated signs that come along with others, some external others internal  
Some internal motivation facts such as family tradition, dreams you had since you were a child, or someone that is worth fighting for, self actualization, etc… so many feelings inside a person can have in order to just be attached to one of these reasons to be motivated and actually do it.
External motivation facts can be:  society, pressure, money, recognition, etc…External incentives.  just be envy another person you can be motivated to work so hard for it to just be like that other or even better that it makes you have a very positive energy to get to it.

 (Motivational Theories, 2009-2010)
In this pyramid you can see five main objectives most people desire, for example Physiological Needs and safety & security are in one theory called X, which are the lower needs a person can have.  If someone is in this category most likely live their life under pressure and not because you actually enjoy things; most of them don’t like to work or dislike their job, in order to do something they have to know that something bad would happened to them if they don’t do what they are supposed to, avoid responsibilities, don’t really have ambitions in life, and are always looking for security in order for them to not face a big situation.

The other three places in the pyramid such as: Love and belongingness, self-esteem, and Self-actualization; are located in theory Y, these are the highest needs a person can wish or want for.  People in this category tend to be more outgoing and have a better view on life; they tend to see their job as simple and natural as they can, are self-directed, have control over things and situations, know that responsibility is something that comes along with life and assume it in a positive way, are not afraid of responsibility, and look forward to make decisions.

ERG Theory

(Needs Theories  Overview)

Expectancy Theory 

    (The Psych Files)

McClellan’s needs theory
          (Needs Theories Overview)

In multicultural organizational contexts what could be a good strategy to keep people motivated towards a common task?

First of all, it is good that since from the beginning you make the people who work for you that they are part of the company and that each one of them gives something to it.  In order to have people motivated in a common task, it helps to know who is leading the task, take into account the good things people are doing and correct the bad things in a good and respectful way, to make people think that they are being listen to, it helps to have a morning talk to what the day is going to be like and what is everyone going to be doing and speak in a motivating voice, and give them a reach point of the task.


Maslow, A. H. Motivation and Personality. Leslie Carr.
Motivational Theories. (2009-2010). Retrieved from
Needs Theories Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Needs Theories Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Psych Files. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Personality, Perception and Attribution & Attitudes, Values

A situation in which a person responds to you is very unpredictable, this means that in every little situation every single person is going to think, act, and respond in a different way. As we all know, we might have many people who agree with you and share many things in common, but every single one human in this world is different.

Personality is something that characterizes each and every one of us; in general you can say and get to know someone’s personality, but so many things are attached to it, that to know or describe it completely is almost impossible.  Morals, values, ethics, and beliefs can make you think that if in a situation would happened you would act in a way, but that is a lie, because you will never know what you will do or say in every exact situation. (BURGER, 2008)

Perception is more of an external way of a person to respond to, it all depends on all your senses on how you feel, smell, hear, see, and taste, all of these give you perceptions on things and then comes your way on responding to these. Imagine a fight in the streets where three people are hitting an old man and you perceive that he is the victim, but one of the men beating the other, his perception is that the old man raped his little girl, than things change and as we see, everyone is different and perceives different.  
 (Paul Rookes, 2000)

Attitudes and Values

In the video you can have view of attitudes and values on how they can affect work environment:

To what do you attribute the success of JICA?
I consider it to be successful do to all the orientations it has to do good in this world; it concentrates on promoting cooperation, transparency, accountability, developing assistance schemes for evolving countries, provides support to environmental efforts, has priorities like promoting well being, harmonization and alignment for effective aid delivery.  All of this promotes international cooperation and are topics that are a reality and very few take into account. (Japan International Cooperation Agency, 1995-2008)


BURGER, J. M. (2008). PERSONALITY. Thomson Wadworth.
Paul Rookes, J. W. (2000). Perception: theory, development, and organisation

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Organizational Behavior & National and Organizational Culture

It studies people’s behavior, individually and group dynamics in organizations; Such as job activities, on how people communicate, act in situations, elaborate, etc… to understand people´s behavior there are two perspectives to take a look from, as internally and externally; But to take into account obviously there are other important aspects that also influence a persons behavior.
Internal behavior is an individual way to analyze some one, this involves all the thoughts, emotions, motivation, feelings, things that a person has lived in the past, and all the needs the person has, by knowing all these facts it is easier to understand and predict a persons behavior.
External behavior are the non internal facts that a person has, such as the job he has, who is his family, the decisions his made in the past, religion, or even how much he wins a year; all these external perspectives can help us know what kind of people he or she is.     
In a situation of change like globalization, workforce diversity, technology, and ethics; can make it  hard for someone to predict of the right attitude towards what or how its behavior will be in reaction of a change in there environment; some variables that should be taken into account to help us predict their attitudes are: locus of control is what each individual beliefs in them self by facing change, Growth need strength depends on how much a person wants  a change and might take it as a challenge, Internal work motivation is a rally important attitude towards change, these three behaviors can helps us know what attitude some one could have when it comes to change.  A good attitude says it brings good things and bad attitude bring bad results, so it all depends on how a persons is to face things in life.

An important aspect that influences human behavior is Culture and everything that comes with it, in someone’s culture, values play a very significant roll and based on it people can predict your actions and responses towards thing in life, with in it beliefs are attached to values and culture. It is a valuable part in which it interacts in an individual mixed with his or her personality and can be very helpful when it comes to decision making in a companies environment.

An organization also functions like a human, it has internal and external environment.  We can say some internal components are the people who work, what chores they do, the technology they have, the purpose the organization fallows, and its structure.  External environment an organization deals with all the suppliers, its customers, and federal regulators.
This environment is important for an organization to have it very clear, because since people work and developed inside an organization, it is important to know where or for whom they are working for in order to have confidence of what they will be facing; so behavior is a function of both the person and the organization. (Nelson, 2010).  (Nancy J. Adler, 2008). (W. David Pierce, 2004)

Why is managing organizational behavior in changing times challenging?

Now in a world so globalized, where almost every company in the world has to deal not only with human behavior but with everything that comes with it such as, personality, religion, culture, values, etc… and managers are taking this into account very seriously  in order to be able to predict and to accept changes. 


Nancy J. Adler, A. G. (2008). International dimensions of organizational behavior. Thomson leaning, inc.
Nelson, D. &. (2010). Organizational Behavior.
(2004). In C. D. W. David Pierce, Behavior analysis and learning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.